url: '/NinjaSuggest/Search',
key: 'id',
text: function (obj) { return obj.id + ' - ' + obj.name; },
minChars: 1,
maxChars: 5,
limitTo: 10,
onSelect: function (obj) {
alert("Name selected: " + obj.name);
//-- REQUEST --
//-- Server method needs to accept two parameters (string key, string serach)
//-- key: used to find a especific record and setting a value to the suggest. Example: $("#sampleSuggest").val(15);
//-- search: used to find any match based on users input
//-- RESPONSE --
//-- As response, ninjaSuggest expects a json array of objects:
//-- [{"id":3,"name":"Marry","email":"marry@test.com"},{"id":9,"name":"Martha","email":"martha@test.com"},{"id":21,"name":"Emma","email":"emma@test.com"}]