var columnsModel = new Array();
columnsModel.push({ header: "ID", property: "id", width: 60, sort: true });
columnsModel.push({ header: "Name", property: "name", width: 200, sort: true });
header: "Birthday", property: "birthday", width: 150, sort: true, align: "center", format: function (vl, obj, td) { //-- define a function to format this cell based on the row's binded object
var year = parseInt(vl.split("-")[0]);
if (year < 2000 && year >= 1990)
td.css("color", "green");
if (year < 1990 && year >= 1980)
td.css("color", "orange");
if (year < 1980)
td.css("color", "red");
return dateFormat(vl, { dateFormat: "d/m/Y", timeFormat: "" });
columnsModel.push({ header: "E-mail", property: "email", width: 250, sort: true });
columnsModel.push({ header: "Car Name", property: "", width: 100, sort: true, align: "left" });
columnsModel.push({ header: "Car Year", property: "car.year", width: 100, sort: true, align: "right" });
//-- call ninjaGrid
url: "/NinjaGrid/getCustomers",
type: "GET",
keyColumn: "id",
columns: columnsModel,
pageSize: 10,
sortColumn: "id",
sortOrder: "desc",
minHeight: 150,
maxHeight: 150